Long Distance Movers

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We offer comprehensive moving, packing and storage services in addition to convenient add-on moving packages for any level of moving need.

[g5plus_icon_box layout=”icon-transparent” icon_position=”align-left” icon_size=”s-medium” icon_color=”ico-dark-color” icon_type=”image” icon_image=”3346″ title=”Packing and Unpacking” description=”Don’t have time to pack? Our full and partial packing options can save you time and eliminate stress. Need help getting organized? Try our unpacking service option. Let us customize a packing plan to fit your timeline and financial plan.” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Funitednationwidemovers.com%2Fpacking-and-unpacking%2F|title:Read%20More||” read_more=”Learn More” el_class=”col-md-6″][g5plus_icon_box layout=”icon-transparent” icon_position=”align-left” icon_size=”s-medium” icon_color=”ico-dark-color” icon_type=”image” icon_image=”3369″ title=”Car Shipping” description=”United Nationwide provides car moving services for moves between neighboring states as well as across the country. No matter the distance, United Nationwide can meet all your moving needs and provide you with a seamless car shipping experience.” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Funitednationwidemovers.com%2Fcar-shipping-services%2F|title:Read%20More||” read_more=”Learn More” el_class=”col-md-6 sm-mg-top-25″][g5plus_icon_box layout=”icon-transparent” icon_position=”align-left” icon_size=”s-medium” icon_color=”ico-dark-color” icon_type=”image” icon_image=”3372″ title=”House cleaning / Debris Removal” description=”If you need assistance cleaning up after your move, United Nationwide offers house cleaning and debris/trash pickup as part of its add-on service packages to enhance every phase of your move experience. Learn more about our add-on services.” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Funitednationwidemovers.com%2Fcleaning-services%2F|title:Read%20More||” read_more=”Read More” el_class=”col-md-6 clear” css=”.vc_custom_1586159487371{margin-top: 25px !important;}”][g5plus_icon_box layout=”icon-transparent” icon_position=”align-left” icon_size=”s-medium” icon_color=”ico-dark-color” icon_type=”image” icon_image=”3348″ title=”Storage Services” description=”As a top-ranked long distance moving and storage company, United Nationwide is fully equipped to handle many of your moving-related storage needs with our short-term and long-term storage services. We can provide storage solutions for any interstate move, including residential and commercial moves.” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Funitednationwidemovers.com%2Fstorage%2F|title:Read%20More||” read_more=”Learn More” el_class=”col-md-6″ css=”.vc_custom_1586159497591{margin-top: 25px !important;}”]
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What Is A Long-Distance Move?

Long-distance moves are different than local moves because they involve moving goods across state lines.

  • Local Moves: moving a short distance within a metro area within the same state
  • Intrastate Moves: longer distance moves that occur within the same state
  • Long-Distance Moves: moving across state lines
    Additionally, a long-distance move can also be referred to as a cross country move, an interstate move or a state-to-state move.

Hire The Right Long Distance Mover

All interstate moves require special authority to perform any part of a move from one state to another. United Nationwide is fully licensed to provide interstate moving services. If you are moving across state lines, we recommend looking into trusted moving companies such as United Nationwide.

Reasons include:

  • United Nationwide movers may have the systems and technology to keep you in the loop throughout your move. Also, some have a network of local agents across the country that can meet your moving needs, near or far.
  • Paperwork and documentation that is required by federal laws and regulations for moves that go across state lines should be handled by an authorized mover. ALWAYS ensure that your moving company follows FMCSA’s regulations that grant authorization for interstate moves.

Learn more about what to expect with your long-distance move.

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Long Distance Moving Types

Small Moves

If you are moving a small home or just a few items, we can customize a small move plan for your level of need, no matter the distance. Find out more about our small move services and request a quote today!

Residential Moves

United Nationwide has access to a network of more than 500 movers, providing full service, residential moving services to long distance moving customers. Find out how United Nationwide can help tailor a moving plan for your upcoming household move.

International Moves

United Nationwide offers moving services to more than 150 countries around the world. Our United Nationwide move team can provide you with a moving plan customized to your personal specifications and budget.

Corporate Relocation

Whether you’re an employee who is looking for a moving company or a relocation manager looking to help your organization’s transferees, United Nationwide strives to make the corporate moving process as seamless as possible.

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Checkout what our clients say about our moving services.

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[g5plus_testimonials values=”%5B%7B%22quote%22%3A%22My%20movers%20were%20incredible.%20Totally%20smooth%20process%2C%20accurate%20estimates%20and%20fantastic%20communication!%20They%20checked%20on%20me%20before%2C%20during%20and%20after%20my%20move.%20Really%20exceptional%20service!%22%2C%22author%22%3A%22Jimmy%20T.%22%2C%22author_info%22%3A%22Moved%20from%20San%20Francisco%2C%20CA%2C%20to%20Chicago%2C%20IL%22%7D%2C%7B%22quote%22%3A%22Our%20move%20was%20amazing!%20Our%20movers%20were%20extremely%20helpful%20throughout%20the%20whole%20process%20and%20incredibly%20supportive%20through%20a%20life-changing%20event…%20moving!%22%2C%22author%22%3A%22Sharon%20L.%22%2C%22author_info%22%3A%22Moved%20from%20Atlanta%2C%20GA%2C%20to%20Baltimore%2C%20MD%22%7D%2C%7B%22quote%22%3A%22The%20whole%20team%20made%20our%20move%20so%20easy%20and%20stress-free!%20Our%20movers%20were%20fantastic%20and%20great%20to%20work%20with!%20Our%20move%20was%20both%20smooth%20and%20efficient.%22%2C%22author%22%3A%22Betsy%20N.%22%2C%22author_info%22%3A%22Moved%20from%20Minneapolis%2C%20MN%2C%20to%20Fernandina%20Beach%2C%20FL%22%7D%5D” columns=”2″ responsive_desktop=”2″ responsive_tablet=”1″ responsive_tablet_small=”1″ responsive_mobile=”1″ tes_bg_color=”#5a6780″ color_scheme=”color-light” is_slider=”true”]
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Plan Your Long-Distance Move

Don’t be overwhelmed by the details. We’ve compiled some expert moving advice and provided you with handy tips to keep you organized on moving day.

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[g5plus_icon_box icon_position=”align-left” icon_size=”s-small” content_size=”c-small” icon_type=”image” icon_image=”3374″ title=”Destination List Checklist” description=”After surviving prepping, packing, moving out and traveling— move-in day will feel like a breeze. Approach the day with a plan in-hand so settling into your new home goes smoothly.” link=”|||”]
[g5plus_icon_box icon_position=”align-left” icon_size=”s-small” content_size=”c-small” icon_type=”image” icon_image=”3347″ title=”First Night Box Checklist” description=”Get expert tips from United Nationwide that will help make the first night in your new home an easy and enjoyable transition. We recommend you pack a “first night” box with items you’ll need for basic unpacking, cleaning, eating and hygiene.” link=”|||”]
[g5plus_icon_box icon_position=”align-left” icon_size=”s-small” content_size=”c-small” icon_type=”image” icon_image=”3375″ title=”Move In Checklist” description=”Moving into a new home involves much more than just relocating your belongings. This list contains items that are often overlooked and should be considered prior to moving day.” link=”|||”]
[g5plus_icon_box icon_position=”align-left” icon_size=”s-small” content_size=”c-small” icon_type=”image” icon_image=”3372″ title=”Non Allowable Checklist” description=”United Nationwide is dedicated to operating safely, and we want to make sure you know what items (e.g., explosives, flammable gases and toxic substances) are restricted and should not be packed into your shipment.” link=”|||”]
[g5plus_icon_box icon_position=”align-left” icon_size=”s-small” content_size=”c-small” icon_type=”image” icon_image=”3346″ title=”Packing 101 Checklist” description=”United Nationwide will help you master packing with our 13-step moving and packing checklist. These essential packing tips will not only save you time and money but will also help ease the burden that comes with packing for a move.” link=”|||”]
[g5plus_icon_box icon_position=”align-left” icon_size=”s-small” content_size=”c-small” icon_type=”image” icon_image=”3376″ title=”Pack Separately Checklists” description=”It’s better to be safe than sorry when packing your irreplaceable personal valuables. Items that require additional security or special access are better kept in your personal vehicle during a move.” link=”|||”]

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